Mourning for Wilhelm Klepsch

A life full of success and social commitment comes to an end

With great sadness, we announce the passing of our esteemed Wilhelm Klepsch on February 24, 2024 , at the age of 86. His departure leaves a significant void in our community.

As the owner and CEO of Zell-Metall and several other companies within the Klepsch Group, he was not only a successful businessman but also a provider of employment for many families in the region. Wilhelm Klepsch was known for his unwavering determination in pursuing his visions, setting a remarkable example of how hard work and perseverance can lead to success.

Wilhelm Klepsch will be remembered not only as a successful entrepreneur but also as a compassionate individual who always listened to the concerns of others and was dedicated to the well-being of his employees and the community.

During this time of farewell and sadness, may the memory of Wilhelm Klepsch and his legacy bring comfort and continue to inspire us.

In mourning,

Johann Obersamer and Erich Buchner
Managing Directors of Zell-Metall GmbH